Saturday, April 27, 2019

Stay Calm

I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised.  There was just another mass shooting, this time it was a synagogue in San Diego.  My heart and prayers go out to all of those there, as well as to their families and friends.  So far, only one person has died, thankfully - only one; however - and unfortunately - many were shot.  

It could be that one man had so much hatred in his heart that he decided all on his own to do this.  It could be true.  However, we see such violence escalating in the world right now, that I am suspicious.  Not that I need to remind anyone, but just in case I do, we just experienced Notre Dame, the churches in Sri Lanka, and on, and on, and on.  Places of worship worldwide are being attacked with and without people inside of them.

Blame is being tossed about, only stirring up more fear and hatred, i.e., division.  That is what the New World Order (NWO) wants: fear and hatred, they want us divided.  They want us scared.  They want us dead.  It is as simple as that.

Complicated layers and methods are being used to stir up trouble worldwide.  There is Project MKUltra (CIA program; its code name), which is in full swing - although possibly renamed - but the plan remains the same.  MKUltra is a mind control program which has been going on for decades, for those who do not know, and it is not a conspiracy theory. . . clearly, it is fact.  The CIA’s own documents regarding this have been released, although they do not admit it is currently ongoing.

Our air is being poisoned, vaccinations are not what they purport to be, and our water and food are being poisoned as well.  The medications being prescribed, and illegal drugs as well, are not helping.  I could go on about all of this, but since so much good information already is out there, it is not necessary to elaborate in order to make my point.

There are powers at work seeking the destruction of the human race.  When we allow those powers to stir up hatred to the point of shooting each other, or killing each other in any way, we are playing directly into their plans.  If you haven’t already, then check out the Georgia Guidestones - they literally wrote about this in stone.  Their first rule is to limit the population of the world to 500,000,000 people.  That would mean killing most of us here now.

The easiest way to accomplish destroying most of us is to have us do it ourselves.  Don’t let them win.  Don’t allow yourself to become full of hatred.  We need to unite and stop those causing this in the first place.  It is not the regular, everyday citizen causing this division.

You know why America was and is great?  Our Bill of Rights put into writing a guarantee that our natural rights as human beings would be protected.  We have a right to think and speak freely, to not be accosted or have our property taken, to worship freely and without fear, and to protect ourselves, our family, and our property, with arms.  Many more rights are in there as well, but these are the most obvious ones that those in power are trying to take away right now.

There is plenty to be angry about, but unless you live near someone in a position who is actually trying to subvert our rights, or trying to stir up fear, don’t make them the target of your anger.  Some of the perpetrators of the evil are being rounded up now, and I hope and pray they are all taken down in a civil manner, legally, and then appropriately punished for their crimes against humanity.  Yes, those in power use others to commit many of their crimes as well.  This is true; however, don’t let yourself be used by them.

Do not allow yourself to give in to their plans by having hatred, anger, and fear stirred up inside of you towards the general population.  Criminals should be locked up, some should be killed.  The wall must go up to protect our citizens from the criminals trying to take over this country.  This isn’t blind hatred: it is simply a fact that those in the NWO want us destroyed from within and are using an invasion of our country as one way to do this.

I could expand on everything I have mentioned, but my point would become obfuscated.  What makes America great is the people.  We have a history of multiple religions getting along openly and freely.  All kinds of people from the world over live here, and have coexisted harmoniously.  Yes, obviously we have had our problems with discrimination of all types, but generally, the last few generations have gotten along just fine.  People have come together to help one another in times of natural disasters, with love in their hearts.  Why? Because that is who Americans are, people who generally are good.  Please don’t forget that.  It is who we are. . . we are Americans!

Blind hatred - generalized hatred - has no place in rebuilding this country or this world into a better place.  Place blame squarely where it belongs, with those who have been manipulating the population, those poisoning us in their various ways, including the liars in the media.  If we allow ourselves to break down by giving into fear, we lose.  Allow those responsible for all of these horrific crimes to be taken down legally, and hold those responsible for doing so accountable.

We can’t make this world a better place through random, or targeted, violence.  We must do our best to make sure the madness is stopped in a legal and lawful way.  Stop anyone you find out is planning an attack by contacting authorities.  If you happen to be on the scene of a shooting, I hope you have a gun or another way to stop the perpetrator, or to get yourself and others to safety.

If we stay calm in the midst of these attacks, and I am sure more are planned, then we win, society wins.  There will be more trouble stirred up to both distract from the horrific news, which will break more fully soon, and to achieve their evil ends.  We must stay together and not allow fear to rule us.  Some of us are more aware than others of just how truly evil those in power are.  Many of those responsible do not hold positions of obvious power.  In other words, we the general public do not know all of their names, but their names are known - they operate “behind the scenes,” but are not completely anonymous.  They will be stopped.  

Stay strong my friends, stay calm, stay in love, stay together.  Pray for those directly and indirectly affected by these horrible acts.  Don’t become what you hate.


  1. It's amazing - There isn't a single thing you said that I don't agree with. And that is a rare thing, because People generally define themselves by their own misery (a theory I have) or the ones that realize what a gift life is define themselves by the joy in life. What I fear is that the great number of GOOD People are not strong enough to hold back the evil. And we do have evil, no question about it, although recognition of evil also confirms that there is good in the world - so that's something if you ever question faith. By it's very nature People that are good have a problem fighting evil because the tools in which you must use to fight them require an unquestionable commitment to the job at hand, and also violate most People's religious tenants. As for me, I don't believe God would give me the strength to fight for the innocent and good unless he wanted me to do so. Just a thought. It's Bob McHugh by the way - I like Beaker as an alter ego since I'm was a red headed Irish boy, now just gray of course. Looking forward to more writings and will be seeing you on Tuesday nights.

  2. THIS IS A TEST of the National Emergency Alert System. This system was developed by broadcast and cable operators in voluntary cooperation with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Federal Communications Commission, and local authorities to keep you informed in the event of an emergency.

  3. Found it Laura.
    Very well done my dear.So true. NWO.Depopulation.I prefer to call it mass genocide of Biblical proportions executed by the people who follow Satan and not our Lord.I am not afraid of what is coming, because we know it must come to pass, but I am truly worried for our Children .Please continue your excellent work and know you have a good friend up North. Kj


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