Friday, April 12, 2019


Love. April 12, 2019

There are moments in time when time actually shifts:  timelines change.  I think it happened tonight.  There was so much love concentrated for the whole day, but especially tonight.  This love was being sent throughout the world. And the world has changed!

I am not crazy, and no I am not high!  Every single person is a whole world.  And Judaism has a saying, “To save a life is to save a world.”  Maybe that is why when we pray or even meditate in groups, amazing things happen.  There have been many studies proving the power of prayer, and the power of meditation.  Some of us who have experienced miracles, or even just the changes happening during these times do not need studies to tell us this.  I guess the studies were performed due to non believers.  So for those who want things proven in a palpable way, science bears the truth of this power.

Without going into the details of what happened tonight, those who shared this experience with me know who they are and were witness to this beauty.  I will share that in the face of some - let us call it ugliness- people throughout this country and throughout this world joined together in love!

I believe what happened tonight was powerful and truly awesome in the full meaning of the word.  People came together with love in their hearts, and used love to try to fight something negative.  They did it out of honest heartfelt love, not to gain anything personally.  It was pure in its goodness, pure in intention.  Without thinking anything about what is in this for me, or any other angle, people came together with their hearts.

I am fully aware of the wide range of emotions behind this display of love.  Anger, confusion, pain, shock, and many others as well, but if one delves into the depths of the overriding emotion, one finds love.  Plain and simple.  For only love can truly drive people to such cohesive action.  

As I said, I do believe the world has changed because of this.  Will the triggering situation change, probably not.  Although the person who was creating the confusion, is most likely very confused himself right now, maybe even angry, he lost control of the “sheep” he thought he was leading.  And why?  Because what we all share is a love for one another, and he did not count on that.  He did not think that people brought together through the internet would create their own bonds.  We did, and together we are strong!  We have become a family of choice!  So for that we thank the person who tried through his platform of influence to lead us wherever he thought he was leading us.

The thing is, we are all thinking, caring human beings who recognize each and every one of us has import.  The power of love was so pervasive tonight that even people I was not familiar with felt moved to join in demonstrating their love.  It was so strong, that one person wrote that even though I had blocked him, he was sending me good wishes.  Just in case that person reads this, If I blocked him it was under a different handle of his because I did not recognize the name, and let us face it, if I had blocked him I would not have been able to see his chat.  For his kindness, I am grateful, and sorry for blocking him if indeed I really did.

I hope all who are aware of the particulars of what happened realize just how powerful and incredible the love shown was and is.  It remains, and truly the world has changed.  Not just for me, not just for everyone involved, but for the entire world.  Love changes things, it has the power to move mountains!  If we keep this close in our minds and hearts, in our consciousness, the world will change.  Feel the strength of this day, remember others times like now, and keep the love going!

This way truths will be revealed, justice will happen, and most importantly the evil will stop!  The reign of terror the Elites and their minions have been raining down on all of humanity will end!  Together we are unstoppable!  The world came together tonight in ways the elites and their minions will be scratching their heads to understand.  

They thought we were brainwashed, easy to manipulate, but so NOT sorry!  We took a stand together, we came together in love.  It was done with kindness, and purity of heart, and no matter what happens with the person who caused this situation, we proved to each other love is the strongest bond of all.  We proved we can and will pull together.  Without thoughts of selfishness, no thoughts of an angle to gain some sort of advantage, just pure intention brought us all together tonight.

The fact that you friends came together for me personally is so besides the point!  I can not emphasize this enough. I may have been the intended target of all of this love today and especially tonight, and that is and was rather overwhelming, and I am so touched beyond any words I can use to express my gratitude!  But the most important effect is and was the changing of the world and perhaps the changing of the timeline.  I only say perhaps, because the powers that were lied about so many things, I do not know for certain if there are different timelines, although I am well aware of the truth of the Mandela effect!

There is mind control being used on us all through a large number of ways, and my friends and many others as well are well aware of this.  But think about what happened tonight if you were a part of it, if not, think of other circumstances you have experienced like this, or if need be, go read the many studies proving the power of prayer, or meditation.  Interestingly, we were not meditating today, or tonight, we were coming together while fully awake, so how much more powerful was that?!  For those who do not know this, prayer is a type of meditation, so your mind is in an altered state.  If you did not know this, then go research it, because this blog is not meant as a dissertation.

Fully awake, individually, we came together from around the world, because of love.  Love moved us far more powerfully than any other emotion could have.  It changed the world for me, and for each one of us if we stop and think about it!   Thank you my friends for loving me!  I love each and every one of you as well!  I usually do not publish anything that I write in a professional, in my mind, capacity without proofreading first.  Due to the lateness of the hour and the importance of getting this out as soon as possible, so we can consciously keep this love so strong we gain the world we have desired - again, one of disclosure, justice, freedom, etc, one of love- I am publishing it now.  I want the strength of what we accomplished today to be in our consciousness, so it can only grow stronger!

We watched and participated in coming together in love for people like Tommy Robinson, Julian Assange, and others.  I had faith the world will change from those movements, but what I experienced personally today brought to mind the profoundness of this gathering together in love.  So if it took having experienced this personally in such a strong and concentrated way for me to write about it, then maybe that was what I needed to be moved to start writing again!  Thank all of you for that as well!  Thank you for giving me the insight and direction I needed!  I write to help others, and due to physical sickness, have not had the energy, nor the direction I needed to continue.  I did not know what more to say to help others, and my whole life has been about helping others, no matter what career I was in.  (I have had many).

Love, stay in it! Stay strong!  Stay safe!  The world has changed, and will continue to for the good!  No amount of evil is as powerful as LOVE!  It conquers all, and it has, and it will!

1 comment:

  1. I have severed all ties with same as a result of this and will not be returning unless and until it is resolved to your satisfaction. Laura, I love you not for who you are, but for who you appear to be :) xoxo


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