January 29, 2017
There is a whole lot of shouting going on right now. However, there are many problems directly concerning those screaming the loudest. Even with those whose voices are not technically loud, but who are getting a lot of press coverage. To me, they are shouting too. Their stated goals would be laudable if only it was the reason for their outspokenness, and also if what they were protesting was truly happening, and if any intelligible remedy was being offered.
Women have the right to be heard, and also the right to choose what to do with their own bodies.
There are good and valid reasons why people want to immigrate to America.
All people have the right to be respected as human beings. If someone lives a different lifestyle than you or I may live, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else, they certainly have a right to do so.
Each person has not only the right, but also the obligation to defend him or herself, along with his or her family, and what belongs to him or her.
As citizens of the United States, we have the right to practice whatever religion we choose, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else, and as long as it is not forced upon anyone else. We also have the right to free speech and free press, as long as we don't promote violence.
President Donald Trump is in fact the President of the United States. He not only won fairly, but amazingly he won despite all of the Obama/Clinton machines' efforts of fraud. Truly this is amazing. What is even more incredible is he is the first and only president, to the best of my knowledge, to begin trying to fix the multitude of problems we have here. Not only did President Trump begin trying to make life better for our citizens before being sworn in, but also he was effective despite all of the violent and treasonous actions by Obama and the globalist machine.
For those who state he "is not my president," leave now, and don't let the proverbial door hit you on the way out. I think you will quickly find out what a fool you are.
The people organizing protests, writing, being interviewed, and "reporting" and complaining publicly are mostly people who are being paid, threatened, or afraid of being exposed for their own criminal activities and complicity.
We have been told so many lies, we have been poisoned through our air, food, water, medicines etc., that it may be difficult to know where the truth lies.
This is why a good hard look should be taken at what is and is not going on. Time and again whistleblowers have literally risked their lives to bring out truths. Many have been killed for their efforts. Not all whistleblowers are honest, some are sent as agents of disinformation. We must research things for ourselves in order to begin to get to truths. So many people and things are not at all who or what we thought they were.
So everyone, take a time out before allowing your emotions to overtake your reasoning. For that matter, not every person who is trying to do good is always correct. For honest people, this is due to lack of knowledge and possession of all of the facts. When an honest person discovers true facts which contradict his or her previous beliefs, he or she will admit previously statements were misguided or incorrect.
Right now, some people are protesting loudly against President Trump's immigration policy, amongst other things. President Trump is trying to protect our citizens from criminals who shouldn't even be here in the first place. This is the truth. How do I know? His orders to both export, and prevent new people from coming here have consistently, including his statements, been about ILLEGAL aliens. Not against those who are here legally, which includes those here on visas, or green cards.
ILLEGAL aliens are here...ILLEGALLY. Let us agree that some of these people snuck into our country due to persecution and fear for their lives. This can be determined through the vetting process. Make no mistake, many more of these people are here to cause and to commit violence. Ask yourself why people from the Middle East and Africa are wanting to travel all the way here when there are many other places closer to them to go to. Then look at what has been happening in Europe. People who are and were citizens of those countries are being raped, tortured, and killed by these same immigrants. As far as children coming here seeking asylum, Obama and his Congressional allies, along with his other government cohorts, defined people up to the age of 31 as children. Clearly this is not the true definition of a child.
The globalists are working very hard to redirect and misdirect our attention so they can continue poisoning us, stirring up fear and hatred, and continue oppressing us financially and otherwise. They not only want to continue their rule, but they also don't want to go to prison. Thankfully, some of their former members and underlings are bravely coming out and providing proof of the globalists' many crimes.
While I am well aware of the inherent human flaws of every human being, I am very grateful to all the people who have been and are working to stop all of the atrocities and crimes of the globalists. I am very grateful Donald Trump is the President and is my president. It is also pretty obvious that most of Congress here is working to stop the globalist agenda and all of their crimes. Unfortunately, the complicit mainstream press, many of whom are criminals themselves, are giving air time to the criminals and are not only lying to the public, but are also intentionally not reporting on what the new majority of government workers are trying to protect our citizens from.
No one, it seems to me, is talking about the fact that our country was being represented by a man who gave a false birth certificate which has been proven, went by a false name, may not have even been a citizen, and openly supported and worked with terrorist organizations such as ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, Hamas, etc. The blatant, continuous, treasonous activities of Obama will forever be a shameful blemish to our history. His administration will forever be a reminder of how blind and naive this country has been.
Thank you President Trump and every single person you have and are employing to help clean up the horrible mess we have been left with. Thank you also Alex Jones, Mat Drudge, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, and all of the rest of the truth warriors who have suffered greatly - and I mean greatly - in order to report the truth no matter how difficult some truths were, or are, hard to believe. All of you are to be commended not only for your bravery and true love of others and of truth, but also for doing all of the work necessary to find out what information was true before going public with what you have learned. I commend as well all of the people throughout this world who have been exposing truths, and the criminal actions of the globalists. I also thank all of those who have helped to stop nuclear war, and other horrific evil plans, who live inside the earth, and also are from other planets and dimensions who out of love and in obedience to Adonai's wishes have been sent to help us. I do hope anyone who isn't aware of our "outside" help will see and know this truth as well.
For those who want to be heard, you would be more credible if you weren't taking money, or trying to stay out of jail, or being threatened to do so. Someone who sincerely believes in what he or she is fighting for, doesn't take money, and risks at the very least ridicule for publicly stating what he or she believes to be true, states it anyway out of care, concern, and love for our fellow people, and have a lot more to lose than to gain personally.
I do hope this reaches those who need to learn this information and that it inspires you to think and research for youselves. May Adonai bless us all with eyes to see, ears to hear, and brains to think. May Adonai bless all with good hearts to succeed in rooting out all darkness...in eliminating all of those who choose to deceive and practice evil. Amen.
Written by Laura Weakley
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