Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Dyanu, Dyanu, Dyanu!,,,,,

DYANU, DYANU, DYANU - as the Jewish people sing every Passover.

Or, as Barbra Streisand and Donna Sommers sang, "ENOUGH is ENOUGH, is ENOUGH"!!!!!

Obama and Putin, along with the Arab nations who are poised to just confiscate the Golan Heights from Israel, you are all the very definition of "Schmucks with Chutzpah".  Anyone who has read any of my works knows I do not say this lightly.

Right now my soul is figuratively shouting from the roof-tops: DYANU, DYANU, DYANU!!!!!

So many obvious attempts to start WWIII have been made, and foiled.  This will be too.
I could go into the whole Megillah, but quite frankly, this is not funny, this is no game.

I am going to remind anyone reading this of the message which keeps getting ignored, despite many valiant efforts to remind us.  Let me break this down for you.

MESSAGE:  This is the end of days.  It has been prophesied.

THE WHOLE MESSAGE:  We have the power to lessen G-D's decree.

Tzadeks, like Rav Glazerson, keep trying to get across to us, over and over again, repentence is what is needed.  We call this "t'shuvah," which means turning towards G-D, but it also includes stopping ourselves from sinning again.  Not repeating our sins is true repentence.  The Torah repeatedly emphasizes repentence can lessen G-D's decree.  The prophets tried continually to get this message across.  The boy named Nathan, who died for 15 minutes and was not only sent back to us with this message, but was brave enough to share it, despite the objections of his own parents, offers us a prime example of one of the purest souls imaginable delivering us this same message.

Time and time and time again now, and throughout history, this message keeps getting sent to the people of the world.  Yet, the only part of it which is generally understood is there will be many trials and tribulations in the end of days.  I do believe we are living in the end of days; however, I am wise enough to understand there is no reason to attempt to rush it along by stirring up chaos and trouble (putting it mildly) intentionally.

There should be an immediate halt to all of the types of poisoning world governments are behind.  This includes our food, water, air, medicines, etc.  Every agency head behind these things, every corporation involved, every politician who voted to allow these crimes against humanity needs to immediately be shut down, and all decision makers, and monetary backers arrested.  No discussions needed, no committee meetings, just do it now!  No more "black ops."


It is no accident or happen stance there are world wide "side shows".  This includes even the variety of obnoxious and emotionally laden laws being put forth to distract the public from stopping the cabal.  They want us to be fearful of losing what few rights we have left that standing up for what is good and right might get us and our families killed.  Certainly they have been guilty of these extreme measures.  There have been an unprecedented amount of murders of public figures, including whistleblowers, in the last few years.  Just realize this shows how desperate the cabal members have become.  Despite this, more people are rising up, arrests are slowly being made, and lies are being exposed even more quickly.


There are now many websites, YouTube videos, official documents out in the public right now, thankfully.  I know, as do many of you by now there are also multiple disinformation campaigns, as well as cruel ignoramouses who think it is funny to mislead good people.  Yes, there are, however, if you are discerning it is also easy enough to find truth.  The most talented liars base their lies upon kernels of truth.  Trust your gut when researching  information.  Be aware of those who proclaim to have truthful information, but use hateful epithets against general groups of people.  All people of any type of group are not all good, or all bad.  Use your righteous anger against individuals responsible for these crimes.

We are put on earth to be loving and kind towards one another, and to help each other in efforts towards doing good things for the world.  We each have our own talents and gifts which, when brought together, can bring about, could be like the idyllic Garden of Eden.  The thing about warnings is...This is what will happen if we do not ACT RIGHTLY.  If your mother tells you not to touch the stove because it is hot, SHE DOESN'T ACTUALLY WANT YOU TO BURN YOURSELF!!!!!

Yes, I am well aware that all of the quite horrific posturing going on around the world from our leaders and politicians, the 1%, etc., is to keep us so busy worrying about staying alive, we won't come after them for all of their crimes against humanity.


Guess what?  We know, and your arrests are well overdue.  The time is now.  People of the world, there is no more time to allow fear to stop us from arresting these insane criminals, praying for G-D's help, and working together to create a just, loving, kind, and greater world.

By the way, the word "schmuck"  is not what most people think it is.  It is the foreskin, the part G-D tells Abraham we are to actively cut off of our sons to- in part- show we must actively choose to work with G-D.  People, it is past time to remove the schmucks of the world.

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