Monday, May 22, 2017

President Trump's Historic Trip, May 2017

Laura Weakley.    5/22/2017

Thank you President Trump for this most historic and courageous trip you have undertaken.  Today, while speaking with Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, you mentioned there are so many people who just want all of the violence to end.  Not an exact quote, but I believe I have captured the spirit of the message you were sending.  I pray you are correct, and I do think you are.

Personally, I prayed that when you prayed at the Kotel - the Western Wall - you would wear a yarmulka, and am so glad you did.  For those who do not know the significance of the yarmulka, it a physical symbol, a physical reminder to remember "before whom you stand," which is before G-D.  You are the first President in my memory who continually reminds us all we each stand before G-D.  Most importantly, you give the world the message that you are well aware that although you are the leader of the free world, you also stand before G-D.  You have never tried to place yourself above G-D, nor have you proclaimed youself to be G-D, unlike two leaders who have recently done so.  For those who don't know, both the North Korean President and the President of Turkey have only recently done so.

I keep thinking nothing can shock me any more; yet, I find I am continually proven wrong in this regard, much to my chagrin.  While I do not profess to know what "everyone" is saying and/or reporting about this trip of yours, the pettiness and ignorance of it all, by and large, is rather overwhelming.

Let me begin where you did, with the meetings in Saudi Arabia.  The Arab nations have been fighting amongst themselves since their beginnings.  I am not even referring to the general hatred of the Arab nations towards the Jewish people and towards our land of Israel.  These problems were foretold to Abraham by G-D in Genesis, when G-D told Abraham how Ishmael would generate many nations, but they would always have their hand against their brothers.  Then when Rebecca was pregnant, G-D told her two nations were in her womb and the elder's hand (Esau), would be always against his brother.  Again, not direct quotes, please read Genesis if you are unfamiliar with this.  Sadly, those wars and hatreds have continued for thousands of years, right up until now.  We are well past biblical times, and in all of these thousands of years, no one has learned that because we were given the power of choice, and brains to think with, it doesn't and didn't have to be this way.

I do not believe there has ever been a time in history, until now, when the majority of the Arab nations have gotten together to stop the violence.  I am only saddened to see it is due to the mutual enemy of Iran, whose leaders continue their thirst for blood and war.  I pray that no war will be needed.  I pray Iran realizes the enormity of their mistaken ways.  I pray the nations gathered at the meeting in Saudi Arabia ALL choose to sincerely stop violence, including their own.

For those who have spoken against our President's trip there, please do yourselves a favor and listen to President Trump's speeches there.  NEVER has a President, nor any politician to to best of my knowledge, had the courage to speak to his convictions, and not try to pretend violence by one group was okay when speaking directly to them.  President Trump has been very clear he stands with Israel.  President Trump, also in speaking to the leaders in Saudi Arabia, stated they too needed to be more tolerant towards women and their own people.  He spoke about working together to make sure their own men, women, and children felt safe and free.

Today, President Trump was in Israel, where he made no bones about it being the Jewish State, the Jewish homeland.  For anyone who does not know this, when the U.N. proclaimed Israel a state, she was proclaimed to be the Jewish State of Israel.  Look it up if you would like.  It is, was, and always will be our inheritance, given to us by G-D.  It is correctly called the Jewish State of Israel, and despite this, it protects and respects to rights of everyone to worship G-D as each religion dictates to their followers, as long as those beliefs do no include violence.  Not violence towards Jewish people, nor towards anyone else.

Despite the fact that there are those in our own Congress who are literally hell-bent on destroying our own country, and President Trump in particular, our President did not only take the high road, he took, and is still on, a historic trip to try to bring the world together in peace.   Make no mistake, this trip is as dangerous to President Trump's life, as well as that of his family, as staying here and quibbling with the cowards trying to have him killed here would be and is.  For those who just don't seem to get it, who actually believe the ridiculous accusations being sent his way, you must wake up and realize, they do so for two main reasons, 1: to stay out of jail themselves, and 2: for money.  Truly it is this simple.  Working for the government does not pay so well that our representatives, (a true oxy-moron), become millionaires, and billionaires while holding office.

If we want true peace in the world, but especially at home in the U.S.A., then, criminal's must be stopped, arrested and jailed.  Especially those at the top.  Mr. President, please clean house NOW.  Thank you for your courage, sacrifice, and grace under fire.  I and so many others pray for you and your family daily.

For those who want FULL disclosure, and make no mistake, most members of Congress do not, this trip is a great way to bring the leaders of the world the message it is going to begin here with President Trump, and it can be a joint effort world wide if they so choose.  No Fake Alien Invasion will be tolerated as too many of us are aware of this obnoxious plan by the haters of humanity, calling themselves by many names, and jointly as the fake New World Order.  It seems to me we will have a new world order, but it will be one of peace.  No longer will the people tolerate the biological, and chemical warfare on our land, food, air, water, and pharmacological types being perpetuated.

Everything I have written about can be easily researched.  Again, Thank you President Trump for your courage, and thank your family for theirs as well!  Thank G-D for you!