I'll start off by saying that serial killers start with killing animals. The fact that he could be so horrific about how he did it, and laughed about it, says a whole lot.
Ball players like all famous people are role models, whether they like it or not. When you are in the public eye, it is even more important to have good character, because children will want to emulate you. I realize there are a lot of extremely poor role models in the public eye, but I want to address my feelings about the Eagles hiring Mike Vick.
I don't care how good a person is at sports, and yes I realize it is very big business, but to employ someone who is a felon, or ex-felon is so unbelievable I don't have strong enough words. In yiddish, we say it's a shanda.
It goes without saying, I don't believe the Eagles should have hired Michael Vick. I don't believe he should have any job in the public eye. A society which has no problem with this is decadent period. Yes, I do believe in second chances, but he's not only shown no remorse, but also if he hadn't gotten caught he'd still be abusing dogs. Getting caught is the only reason he supposedly stopped. You can't convince me that he isn't a violent person.
It bothers me greatly when people's careers are cavalierly ruined. That is, for normal human mistakes. Not for violent ones, or mistakes which hurt others intentionally.
As far as business is concerned, The Torah gives us specific ways to act in business. I have owned my own businesses, or worked for myself my entire adult life. So coming from someone who walks the walk, and knows the importance of not being hypocritical when you present yourself as a religious person, I will tell you that I never let money (other gods) dictate my morals nor my business decisions.
Allow me to elaborate. No matter what I am or have gone through financially, no matter how much I have needed money, it NEVER influenced my moral decisions, or actions. I never took money from someone I had a bad feeling about. Trust your instincts. I never took money to do something I didn't believe in. And I never took money because I was desperate. Believe me, I've been more than desperate, I've been destitute, and I never stole, sold my body, or anything else which some people do when they are desperate. I've sent money back when someone's actions were let's say disturbing. Most people around me growing up, and as an adult have thought and told me I was crazy. I needed the money.
Well, I'm still here to tell my story. I trust in G-d. I'm a very good debater and highly intelligent, meaning it would be very easy to convince myself that it was really ok to accept money for something I know to be wrong. I still can't, won't, and haven't done it.
My purpose of sharing this with you is not to toot my own horn, but rather to explain, I do know what I'm talking about. I'm not an armchair quarterback. I have experience.
I have never believed that in running any of my businesses, looking the other way or ignoring immoral acts, actions, or activities would in the long run help my businesses. I have been a successful business owner whose business savvy has been highly sought after for advice.
Anyone who is in business and has a brain, yes I feel extremely strongly about this, knows you can't place immediate needs ahead of long term goals. I'll tell you this, if you do you won't be in business for long. The way you are thought of, the people you employ, your honesty and integrity should all be held to the very highest standards. If you do this, you will be successful, and the money will come. You may think I am over-simplifying what you need for success, but I assure you I am not. Yes, of course other aspects are important, good business sense, talent, among others, but the way you run a business IS ABOUT WHO YOU ARE.
So to the Eagles, and all other sports teams and their owners and managers, you should be ashamed of yourselves for hiring Vick, and others like him. Ok, I feel like I'm wagging my finger like my grandmother used to do! Seriously, the people you hire are high profile, and most importantly are role models for our children. This means they directly influence our society's future. I can't emphasize this enough. There are so many people out there with BOTH talent and integrity. Take note, think about the long term effects of your monetarily based decisions. I pray you do.
Spiritually Yours,
Laura Weakley
From: IreneAdler on 09.02.09
Posted to: Blog Post
Comment: Ver well put. Thank you for sharing this. Wish you could post it on the thread that you've linked it to, as I wasn't sure to make reply there or here. I hafta wonder what goes through the minds of Vick's fellow players. I"d be awfully uncomfortable playing alongside him. Might even cause me to ask to be traded - to a team that would not play against him. Once I was a juror on a rather unsavory child molestation case. Judge took great pains to remind us not to make judgment until we'd heard all the facts. So I was very careful not to think anything of the defendant. Once we'd rendered verdict (guilty) it suddenly hit me- I was in the same room as a real, live child molester. A whole lot of strong emotions hit me and I couldn't get out of that court room fast enough. Grateful that I would never have to return to it. I wonder if any of the other football players experienced something like this. Irene.
Thanks for your response Irene! I have to agree with you that healthy thinking people do not like being in a room, ball-field, etc with people who harm animals or other people. To date, I believe he still has not apologized. Not that it would make a difference, but his not doing it demonstrates his mentality hasn’t changed.
Spiritually Yours,
Laura Weakley
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